Mechanical Engineering Sample Question & Answer

Question-1: Draw and explain the PV and TS diagram of Otto Cycle?

The Otto Cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that describes the operation of a typical gasoline-powered internal combustion engine. It consists of four main processes: intake, compression, power, and exhaust. Here's a brief explanation of the Pressure-Volume (PV) and Temperature-Entropy (TS) diagrams for the Otto Cycle:

  1. Intake:
    • In the PV diagram, an air-fuel mixture is drawn into the cylinder as the piston moves from top dead center (TDC) to the bottom dead center (BDC) at nearly constant pressure. This is represented by a horizontal line at low pressure.
    • In the TS diagram, there is an isentropic compression as air is drawn into the cylinder and its entropy remains nearly constant while temperature increases slightly.
  2. Compression:
    • In the PV diagram, the piston compresses the air-fuel mixture adiabatically (without heat transfer) as it moves from BDC to TDC. This is represented by an upward-sloping line with increasing pressure and decreasing volume.
    • In the TS diagram, the compression process is represented by a steep upward slope as entropy decreases while temperature and pressure increase.
  3. Power:
    • In the PV diagram, ignition of the compressed mixture leads to a rapid increase in pressure and volume expansion as the piston moves from TDC to BDC. This is the power stroke, represented by a downward-sloping line.
    • In the TS diagram, this expansion process corresponds to an isentropic expansion, characterized by a downward slope with entropy remaining nearly constant while temperature and pressure decrease.
  4. Exhaust:
    • In the PV diagram, the exhaust valve opens, and the piston pushes out the remaining exhaust gases during the exhaust stroke, resulting in a near-constant pressure and increasing volume.
    • In the TS diagram, the exhaust process corresponds to an isentropic expansion, similar to the power stroke, but in the reverse direction.

These diagrams illustrate the changes in pressure, volume, temperature, and entropy during each stage of the Otto Cycle, providing a visual representation of the engine's thermodynamic behavior.

➽ Question-2: What is tappet clearance?
     Ans: Tappet clearance, also known as valve clearance or valve lash, refers to the small gap or space between the end of the engine valve stem and the corresponding tappet or rocker arm that actuates the valve. This gap is necessary to allow for thermal expansion of the engine components and to ensure that the valve fully closes and opens at the proper time during the engine's operation.

Tappet clearance is a critical adjustment in internal combustion engines, particularly in those with mechanical valve lifters or overhead camshaft (OHC) configurations. It needs to be set correctly to ensure the engine operates smoothly and efficiently. If the tappet clearance is too large (excessive), the valve may not fully close, leading to loss of compression and poor performance. If the clearance is too small (insufficient), the valve may not fully open, causing poor engine performance, overheating, or damage to the valve and camshaft.

The specific tappet clearance values and adjustment procedures vary depending on the engine's design and manufacturer, so it's essential to consult the engine's service manual or follow the manufacturer's guidelines when performing this adjustment. Modern engines often use hydraulic lifters that automatically adjust the clearance, eliminating the need for regular manual adjustments.

➽ Question-3: Draw the Stress-Strain curve of Mild Steel?

The stress-strain curve of mild steel typically exhibits the following key characteristics:

  1. Elastic Region: At low levels of stress, mild steel behaves elastically, meaning it returns to its original shape when the applied stress is removed. In this region, the material follows Hooke's law, and the stress is directly proportional to the strain.
  2. Yield Point: As the stress increases, mild steel reaches a point called the yield point. At this point, the material undergoes plastic deformation, meaning it deforms permanently even after the stress is removed. The yield point marks the beginning of plasticity in the material.
  3. Plastic Region: Beyond the yield point, mild steel continues to deform plastically as the stress increases further. The stress-strain curve shows a gradual increase in strain with a relatively constant stress level in this region.
  4. Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS): The stress-strain curve reaches its peak stress at the ultimate tensile strength (UTS). This is the maximum stress the material can withstand before it begins to fracture.
  5. Necking and Fracture: After reaching the UTS, mild steel undergoes necking, where the cross-sectional area of the specimen decreases significantly, leading to a reduction in stress. Finally, the material fractures at the point where the stress becomes too great for it to support.

In summary, the stress-strain curve of mild steel starts with an elastic region, followed by plastic deformation, reaching the yield point, and then progressing to the ultimate tensile strength before eventual fracture. This curve is crucial for understanding the mechanical behavior of mild steel under different loading conditions.

➽ Question-4: Find out the diameter of driven pulley whose driver pulley diameter is  
     5inch, driver/motor RPM is 1400 and driven pulley RPM is 800?

                Here Given: N1 (driver/motor RPM) = 1400 
                                     D1 (driver pulley diameter) = 5 inches 
                                     N2 (driven pulley RPM) = 800

                                     find D2 (driven pulley diameter).

N1D1 = N2D2, but there's a calculation error in the final step:

D2 = (N1 * D1) / N2 D2 

      = (1400 * 5) / 800 D2 

     = 7000 / 800 D2 = 8.75 inches

So, the correct diameter of the driven pulley (D2) is 8.75 inches.

➽ Question-5: Find out the cylinder height whose volume is 1000cm3 and diameter is       

               Here given, V=1000cm3; D=10cm; so, R=D/2=10/2=5cm; Need to find, H=?
                We know, V=πR2H
                              or, H=V/πR2
                              or, H=1000/(3.1416x52)
                              so, H=12.73cm