Stress-strain- deflection Simulation in solid works

 In solid works and Autodesk Inventors, we can do metal stress-strain-deflection analysis, which is called simulation. Below there is a sample simulation report created by Solid Works software. More complicated parts also can be easily simulated in CAD software.

Stress-strain-deflection simulation in SolidWorks typically involves using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to analyze how a part or assembly responds to external loads. In this case, you want to study how a component deforms (deflection) under applied loads while also understanding the stress and strain distribution within the material. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform such a simulation in SolidWorks:

  1. Create or Import Your Model:
    • Start by creating your 3D model in SolidWorks or import an existing one. Ensure that the material properties are accurately defined for the parts you want to analyze.
  2. Apply Loads and Constraints:
    • Define the boundary conditions by applying loads and constraints to your model. Common boundary conditions include:
      • Fixing some faces or edges (restraining movement).
      • Applying forces, pressures, or torques on specific surfaces or points.
      • Adding connectors for assemblies if necessary.
  3. Define the Study:
    • In SolidWorks, go to the Simulation tab and create a new study. Choose "Static" for a basic stress analysis.
  4. Assign Materials:
    • Assign appropriate materials to your model. You can choose from SolidWorks' material library or define custom materials with specific properties.
  5. Mesh Your Model:
    • Divide your model into smaller elements by meshing. The quality and size of the mesh affect the accuracy of your simulation. Use automatic meshing or refine it manually if needed.
  6. Define Simulation Properties:
    • Set up the analysis type (linear or nonlinear) based on your material behavior. Linear analysis assumes small deformations and material behavior, while nonlinear analysis considers large deformations or nonlinear material behavior.
  7. Run the Analysis:
    • Click the "Run" button to start the simulation. SolidWorks will solve the equations governing the behavior of your model under the applied loads and constraints.
  8. Review Results:
    • After the simulation is complete, review the results. You can view stress, strain, and deflection plots as well as other relevant data such as safety factors, displacement, and reaction forces.
  9. Interpret the Results:
    • Analyze the results to determine whether your design meets your requirements. Pay attention to areas of high stress or excessive deflection, which may indicate design weaknesses.
  10. Iterate and Optimize:
    • If necessary, make design changes based on your analysis results to improve the performance of your model. Then, repeat the simulation to validate the changes.
  11. Generate Reports and Documentation:
    • SolidWorks provides tools to generate reports summarizing your simulation results. You can use these reports for documentation and design validation purposes.
  12. Save and Archive:
    • Save your simulation setup, results, and any relevant files for future reference.

SolidWorks offers a wide range of advanced simulation capabilities beyond this basic guide, including dynamic analysis, thermal analysis, and more. Depending on your specific needs and the complexity of your project, you may need to explore these advanced features. Additionally, always ensure that your simulation setup accurately represents the real-world conditions and materials for your design.